5 Reasons To Be Grateful Every Day
5 Reasons To Be Grateful Every Day
How are things going in your world right now? It’s been a tough start to the year, hasn’t it? Whilst the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve normally instils positivity and hope for a fresh new year, the beginning of 2021 was anything but hopeful. The year was merely a few days old and the UK Government announced further or extended lockdown measures. With seemingly no end in sight, many of us are feeling sad and anxious.
Sometimes though, through all the overwhelming ‘bigness’ and noise, we need a reminder that there are still some things that we can be thankful for. Some of which are so small, we hardly even notice them. But now is the right time to take note and celebrate the small things, as well as the larger things, so that we can see the good in every day.
Here’s some of the reasons we have to be cheerful. Some or all of them may apply to you, but either way, see how many of them can help you wake up feeling grateful…
1. Family – at the moment, our family members may be far and away or they may be crammed into our homes driving us mad. If we have family (related or otherwise, our friends are the family we chose, remember) that we’re close to, then we’re extremely fortunate. That’s not to say we need to feel guilty for feeling driven to distraction by working from home and homeschooling. But take time each day to tell someone you love them, be that face to face, on the phone, via video link or in a text or a letter.
2. The Great Outdoors – whilst we might not always be blessed with the weather, here in the UK, we have the most glorious of scenic countryside. Even if we live in an urban cityscape, if we look around, we’ll find somewhere green. Use your exercise time to explore your local green spaces, parks or even hedgerows and grass verges. Be mindful, take in your surroundings, look up as well as down and around you and breathe deeply.
3. The ability to exercise, even though gyms are closed – Own Your Goals workouts are all designed to be completed at home with minimal equipment and space requirements. Exercise is a fantastic boost to our mental health as it releases feel good hormones called endorphins. That post exercise rush of accomplishment and pride is well worth celebrating so try to make sure you’re sicking to your exercise goals.
4. Books, music, films and boxsets – whatever it is that you enjoy doing to while away time, do it! Don’t feel guilty about spending time doing the things you enjoy, because if you’re taking pleasure from it, there isn’t a moment wasted.
5. Your home – whether we live in a mansion or a studio flat, our corner of the world is our safe place. Try to keep your home free from clutter so that you’re not stressed about things to tidy away (make sure everyone plays their part in tidying too). Take a look around the favourite room (or a precious part of a room) of your house, breathe deeply and take it all in. It’s your space, and it’s safe. That’s definitely something worth feeling thankful for.
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