Nutrition foR you
Daily Calorie Recommendation
Calculate your recommended calorie intake!

Select A Prepared Plan
Hand picked by one of our professionals

Select One Of Your Meal Plans
Select one of your previously created meal plans

Create Your Own Meal Plan
Create A New Meal Plan Based On Recipes From Our Recipe Bank
Weekly Planner Instructions
To create your meal plan choose from one of the three choices shown:
1) Select a Prepared Plan:
You will be able to browse through our professionally created meal plans ranging from Vegetarian to the Mediterranean Diet.
Click the eye icon to review each plan or the orange "+" icon to add to your weekly planner by choosing a start date.
You can remove the meal plan from your planner at anytime by clicking on "Clear Menu Plan".
2) Creating Your Own Meal Plan:
When you choose this option you will be asked to give your meal plan a name and then directed to a meal planner section.
Click on the "+" button to add breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes for each day. When you completed the day click on the Create button and move onto the next day.
Click on each date number to add meals to that specific day. No problem if there's a day you don't wish to plan, you can leave blank and amend it later.
3) Selecting One of Your Meal Plans:
When you choose this option you will be taken to a list of your previously saved meal plans.
Click the eye icon to review or amend your selected meal plan.
Click the "+" sign to schedule the start date of your chosen meal plan.
When scheduled you can amend your meal plan (apart from professional plans) by clicking on the Change Meal Plan button.
Preprepared plans
Your previously created meal plans
Name Your Plan
Save your new meal plan to refer back to when you want to schedule your week of recipes.
Add to schedule
The 5:2 Diet
Mon 04 Dec - Sat 09 Dec
Clear Menu PlanRecipes
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