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5 Top Tips to Improve your Body Positivity



5 Top Tips to Improve your Body Positivity

How do you feel about yourself and the way you look? If you’re positive about yourself and you confidently hold your head up high, then we salute you. Because when we hear the opposite – OYG Warriors telling us how low they rate themselves – we truly feel sad. 

How we see ourselves and how attractive we deem ourselves, referred to as our body image, is super important in our health and fitness journey. We all deserve to feel good, no matter our size, fitness level or what we look like. But in a social media world where looks equals likes, it can be hard to be positive about the way we view ourselves sometimes. 

But we’re all beautiful, each and every one of us, and we need to believe that. If your body positivity could do with a helping hand, here’s our tips on giving yours a boost. 

  1. Treat yourself how you’d treat your best friend. If your bestie came to you and said they were feeling low, hated the way they looked and just wanted to hide their body away, what would you say to them? You’d probably feel so sad for them and want to shake them to make them believe how wonderful and gorgeous they are. So why not give yourself the same shake?
  2. Whilst you’re metaphorically (or physically) shaking yourself, think of three things that you like about yourself. Perhaps you like the length of your legs or the way your hair falls. Then concentrate on those rather than the way you see the bits you don’t like, like the tops of your arms or your belly. Celebrate the bits you love and know that the bits you don’t – other people probably don’t even notice!
  3. On that note – when do you look at other people and make note of the bits you don’t like? Our guess is probably never, right? Instead, you’re far too busy thinking about how much you love her curves or how she always manages to coordinate her outfits. Therefore, other people are looking at you in the same way, wishing a bit of you was actually a bit of them. How we see ourselves is very different to how others see us, we need to keep reminding ourselves of that. 
  4. See yourself as a whole body, rather than all the little bits separately. You are a whole human being – celebrate what your body can do to get you around, allowing you to appreciate nature, letting you dance and sing (if only in the shower). Everything about you works in tandem with everything else, nothing lets the side down, and that’s amazing. 
  5. Social media is fantastic at keeping us up to date, inspired and at times, humoured. But it also has a lot to answer for in terms of making us feel inadequate, lowering our body image even further. So unfollow or hide any accounts that simply don’t make you feel good.  Your feed is your space, fill it with things that make you feel good. 

You’re a beautiful human being, never forget that. Now look in the mirror and tell yourself that – every single day! 

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