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Creating Happiness in Your Life This April Fool’s Day



Creating Happiness in Your Life This April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day is upon us again, and once we’ve worked out which stories on social media are the jokes and hoaxes of the day, we probably just tend to let 1st April pass us by. But why not use this April Fool’s Day to reflect on what makes you happy and filled with joy and laughter, and to think about what you can do to create more happiness in your life?

Here’s some ideas for creating a happier, lighter life. We hope you like them! 

  • Smile! The power of wearing a smile, even when we don’t feel like it, is enormous. When we smile, the brain releases a feel good chemical called dopamine which makes us feel happier. Next time you’re feeling blue, try smiling a toothy grin and see if it perks you up a little.
  • Be as silly as you like. Giving yourself permission to be playful and channelling your inner child will help you to let go of some stress and negativity. We can’t help but smile if we exercise our imagination, play and appreciate all that is silly for a while. 
  • Being motivated to exercise on a regular basis can be hard, but if we make exercise a habit, our brains will become used to it through a process called neuroplasticity. This means that we can train our brains by doing something regularly, so that it no longer feels like a chore and we begin to enjoy it. And the benefits are incredible, because exercise releases ‘feel good’ chemicals too, that make us feel happy and alive. That post-exercise high is real! 
  • Sugar might give us an instant pleasure high, but sadly it’s short lived. As quickly as our blood sugar levels rise, they drop again, leaving us craving more. We’re not saying cut out sugar all together, that would be difficult (plus we need some sugar in our diet) but save it for a treat. Carbs turn into sugars when we digest them, so choose complex wholewheat carbs such as brown pasta, bread and rice, over the white versions too as they’re digested and turned into sugars more slowly and sustainably. 
  • Invest in spending time giving compliments to others. Performing such acts of kindness (provided that we genuinely mean them) helps us feel more satisfied in who we are as a human being. So tell that stranger you love their dress or call your bestie and tell them what you love about them the most. You’ll make their day, and your own! 
If you’re feeling low in self-esteem, celebrate the body you’re in and you’ll feel more self-confident. This means focusing on the bits you like, or even better, love, and trying not to focus on the bits you’re not keen on. We all have parts of our body that we prefer to cover, from loose skin on our upper arms to a flat bottom or skinny legs without too much shape. But take a look at your best bits, crack a smile and tell yourself how amazing you are. (And in reality, no one else is seeing your “bad” bits, because there’s nothing bad about you!)

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