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How to Survive Summer Social Events



How to Survive Summer Social Events

It’s officially summer! Which means long days, even longer evenings, warmth (hopefully) and that delicious feeling of the sun on our skin. It also means BBQs, garden parties, weddings and a whole round of summer soirées. Which is wonderful! But if we’re sticking to working hard towards our healthy goals, then there can be a lot to tempt us off track.


So here’s our tips on surviving summer and still owning your goals!

  • BBQs are filled with tempting delights, but you don’t have to miss out. Opt for lean meats such as chicken kebabs (or bring your own lean burgers or sausages). Veggie kebabs are also a good option, or go for plant-based burgers and sausages as they’re often lower in fat (and taste just as good). Skip the bun if you’re following a low carb diet and choose ketchup and mustards over calorific mayo. Fill your plate with salad and crudités and opt for protein-rich hummus over high calorie creamy dips. Watch out for crisps too, as if there’s a bowl near you and you’re a grazer, you may end up consuming more than you planned to.
  • Other summer eating events can also be tricky if you’re trying hard to stick to your healthy plans. It can be helpful to know the menus beforehand so that you know in good time what the healthiest options are for you. It can also be helpful to arrive at an event having eaten already, so that you’re not craving food and making choices you might later feel frustrated about.
  • When it comes to alcohol, if you want to have a drink, with some careful choices, you still can! Weddings and summer events often have bubbly on offer, which is a good choice, calorie-wise, as it’s less calorific than beers, cocktails made with sugary syrups and heavier red wines. Stick to lighter drinks throughout the day, such as a pale rosé mixed with soda water and always drink one glass of water to each alcoholic drink. If you’re not drinking, rather than fizzy drinks, opt for juices (dilute them with water if they become a bit too sweet) or soda and lime.
  • Sun protection is paramount too, especially if you’re drinking alcohol. As well as staying well hydrated with water, be mindful of your head, which could be in direct sunlight. Wear a straw hat, baseball cap or a fabulous headscarf to cover your head when the sun is at its strongest (usually between 11am and 3pm). Don’t forget the tip of your nose, décolletage and if you’re wearing a slinky number or spaghetti straps, your shoulders. Use an SPF relevant to the sun strength and your skin tone and don’t forget to top up. Squeeze some into a travel bottle if you only have a small bag.
  • Finally, if in doubt, don’t go without – throw the party yourself! That way you’ll be in full control over menus, drinks and what goes on the BBQ. You don’t have to be a low-cal killjoy, far from it. Our Recipe Pages are packed full of delicious, healthy summery treats including our Mini Cheese Bites, Smokey Cowboy Beans and Chicken Shish Kebabs that can all be prepped in advance.


Have a fabulous summer!

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