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How to Stick to your 2022 Goals



How to Stick to your 2022 Goals

Can you believe that it’s 2022 already?! The years go by so quickly, and we can’t say we’re sorry to say goodbye to the first two years of the new decade. We all started so full of promise and kindness, didn’t we? Only for a global pandemic to change everything. Let’s all hope that this year, things are better in that regard.

So, what do your 2022 goals look like? If you haven’t yet recorded them, make sure you go to your OYG My Plan page and revisit or set your goals for the year. 

Goal setting is a great way of helping you focus and stay consistent on your health and fitness journey. It’s also really helpful for tracking your progress and seeing where you do well and also where you perhaps need to rethink in order to achieve more. 

But once we’ve set our goals, how do we make sure we stick to them? Here’s how!

  • The number one rule when aiming to stick to your goals is to make sure your goals are, ahem, stickable, in the first place. By this, we mean - Keep. Things. Realistic! A realistic goal might be to aim to drop a dress size within two months. An unrealistic version of this would be to aim to lose a stone by next week. You get what we’re saying. We’re far more likely to stick to goals that are achievable, because if they’re not, we’re only setting ourselves up to fail, and that’s a one way street to feeling completely demotivated.
  • Use the power of visualisation to give you a real focus to stick to your exercise and lifestyle plans. Dreaming of how you will look and feel once you’ve reached your target truly will help you get there. You could use a mood board too, and add clippings and cut outs of motivational phrases that resonate with you and images of your (realistic) ideal body shape. Cut out a picture of you beaming and looking happy and place it in the centre – you’ll be surrounded by positivity and inspiration to keep you going! 
  • Make yourself accountable by telling some close friends (or your entire social media following if you’re brave enough) what your goals look like. Now that it’s out there in the semi (or full) public domain, you’re going to feel a little more pressure to succeed. And that’s exactly what we all need, a little bit of pressure! 
  • Celebrate each small win. Adding small, incremental steps to your goals and targets will help you realise that the journey to the end goal is just as important. We don’t wake up with a new body and mindset, it takes hard work, commitment and dedication to get there. And each pound lost, each workout completed and each milestone reached is worthy of your celebration. So give yourself a huge clap, look in the mirror, tell yourself how awesome you are and believe in yourself. Because guess what? You’ve got this, warrior. 

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